Tag: Healthcare

71 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Blog Julie Archer July 29, 2020
WV Groups, Community Leaders Call on Governor, Secretary of State and County Clerks to Replicate Primary Election Voting and Absentee Ballot Request Options
A coalition of voting rights advocates and community leaders representing poor and impacted communities across West Virginia is calling on Governor Jim Justice and state and local election officials to provide further clarity to the state’s voters regarding their plans to ensure a safe, accessible, and secure election and to mailing absentee ballot applications to those voters as was done in the primary election. More
Issues: Clean electionsHealthcareVoting Rights
Blog WVCAEF July 22, 2020
Demand a #PeoplesBailout & Access to Absentee Voting
We need you to take two important actions. First, our Senators need to hear from you on their late pandemic response. Tell Senators Capito and Manchin that our families need robust support now. Second, in this time of crisis, we need clarity from state leaders about how we can cast our ballots safely in the upcoming election. Demand that Governor Jim Justice and Secretary of State Mac Warner protect our health and our right to vote by making this option available to all West Virginia voters again in the general election.  More
Issues: DemocracyElectionsHealthcareInequalityKids and FamiliesUnemployment benefitsVotingWorkers
Blog WVCAEF May 8, 2020
Help Fix Our Broken Health Care System – Tell Us What You Think
Many of us were already struggling to get healthcare. Now, a global pandemic has uncovered even more gaps in the system.  Even more West Virginians are falling through the cracks.  It's unacceptable. We deserve better. And this Spring we we showed that when we come together for better healthcare -- healthcare that values people over profit -- we can win. So, what should we do next to fix our broken healthcare system? Tell us what you think! More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicareWorkers
Blog WVCAEF April 21, 2020
Have You Lost Your Health Care During COVID-19?
Our friends at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy put together this helpful guide to outline the options that people have to maintain critical health coverage during this time. Please share! More
Issues: HealthcareKids and FamiliesUnemployment benefitsWorkers
Blog WVCAEF April 8, 2020
Big Victories for Healthcare for All WV Campaign
By passing three of its top priority bills, the Health Care for All WV Coalition won big this year in the fight for all West Virginians’ right to health care. Hundreds of West Virginians joined together in asking legislators to support common sense measures that save money, dignity and lives in the long run. They urged lawmakers to choose people over profit by working towards a health system that serves everyone. The work is just beginning. Click here to learn more and get involved. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and FamiliesMedicaidMedicare
Blog WVCAEF April 8, 2020
Awards Dinner Postponed, but not Our People First Agenda!
One of West Virginia’s biggest strengths is our people and strong sense of community. As we all are experiencing unprecedented times, we here at WV Citizen Action are continuing to care for one another during this pandemic.  Every year, we look forward to the Spring Fling, however we are taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe by postponing this year’s celebration. In the meantime, we encourage you to please give what you can now to support the important work that needs to be done all the way through our present crisis. Our goal is to emerge from this crisis stronger through community engagement and continuing to make a difference in our state and nation! More
Issues: Climate JusticeDemocracyEnvironmentFair CourtsHealthcare
Blog WVCAEF April 17, 2018
New Tax Law Benefits Health Care Industry, Endangers Vital Services
A new West Virginia report by Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now detailing the affects of the new tax law on families in West Virginia and compares that with the tax benefits that health insurance companies and prescription drug manufacturers receive under the same law. Read the full report here. More
Issues: HealthcareTaxes
Blog Julie Archer March 16, 2018
Two Constitutional Amendments Headed for the Ballot in November
During the 2018 legislative session, legislators approved resolutions putting two proposed constitutional amendments on the November 6 general election ballot. The Judicial Budget Oversight Amendment would amend the state constitution to give the Legislature oversight of the judiciary’s budget. The No Constitutional Right to Abortion Amendment is being deceptively explained as an effort to take away Medicaid funding for abortion, but aims to take away reproductive rights for women more broadly. More
Issues: ElectionsFair CourtsHealthcare
Blog WVCAEF April 18, 2017
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Health Care Cuts for Everyone Else
Today, WV Citizen Action Group (our sister organization) joined two national groups, Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now (HCAN), to release a joint report entitled, Republican Health Care Repeal Plan: Tax Cuts for the Rich, Health Care Cuts for Everyone Else. The report details how the Republican plan to repeal the ACA would give billions in tax breaks to wealthy households, insurance companies and drug manufacturers, paid for by cutting the health care of low- and moderate-income families. More
Issues: HealthcareTaxes
Blog WVCAEF February 24, 2017
A Cost Too High: The Financial Harm of the Republican Plan to Eliminate Health Care
The Republican-led Congress has launched a rapid process of eliminating health coverage for 184,000 residents of West Virginia by repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). These cuts will severely reduce income to health facilities and result in lost jobs across sectors. The cuts also will come at severe cost to the state budget. More
Issues: Healthcare
Blog WVCAEF April 23, 2010
Who’s Complaining about Health Care Reform? (And What Do They Pay in Taxes?)
A new analysis from Citizens for Tax Justice shows that many of the companies protesting a tax-loophole-closing reform enacted in the new health care reform law are paying corporate taxes at less than a third of the 35 percent statutory corporate tax rate, and in some cases are actually getting tax rebates back from the federal government. More
Issues: Healthcare
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