Tag: Democracy
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Blog WVCAEF August 26, 2020
Protect Our Democracy – Take Action to Ensure We Can Vote Safely by Mail
As your probably know, all voters have the option of voting absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option because you can vote safely from home. However, despite our efforts to make the process consistent with the primary, for the general election registered voters won’t be mailed an absentee ballot application. Click here for more information and actions you can take to ensure our democracy can function in this pandemic. More
Issues: Clean elections, Democracy, Elections, Voting, Voting Rights
Protect Our Democracy – Take Action to Ensure We Can Vote Safely by Mail
As your probably know, all voters have the option of voting absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option because you can vote safely from home. However, despite our efforts to make the process consistent with the primary, for the general election registered voters won’t be mailed an absentee ballot application. Click here for more information and actions you can take to ensure our democracy can function in this pandemic. More
Issues: Clean elections, Democracy, Elections, Voting, Voting Rights
Blog Eve Marcum-Atkinson August 18, 2020
Request Your Mail-In Ballot Online
Did you know you can request a WV mail-in ballot ONLINE? If you are considering using a mail-in ballot, we highly recommend requesting your mail-in ballot as soon as possible, and as soon as you receive it, to complete and mail it in, to allow ample time for delivery and receipt of your ballot, so that your vote can be counted. The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 28. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Voting
Request Your Mail-In Ballot Online
Did you know you can request a WV mail-in ballot ONLINE? If you are considering using a mail-in ballot, we highly recommend requesting your mail-in ballot as soon as possible, and as soon as you receive it, to complete and mail it in, to allow ample time for delivery and receipt of your ballot, so that your vote can be counted. The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 28. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Voting
Blog WVCAEF August 7, 2020
COVID Relief Needed: Demand Senators Pass a #PeoplesBailout
Covid Response Needed - Act Now! WV Citizen Action has been convening the West Virginians United table to pull resources and provide a local, state, and federal response to the pandemic. Here is what we’ve been advocating for workers, families and our communities. More
Issues: Democracy, Food security, Healthcare, Housing, Inequality, Kids and Families, Unemployment benefits, Workers
COVID Relief Needed: Demand Senators Pass a #PeoplesBailout
Covid Response Needed - Act Now! WV Citizen Action has been convening the West Virginians United table to pull resources and provide a local, state, and federal response to the pandemic. Here is what we’ve been advocating for workers, families and our communities. More
Issues: Democracy, Food security, Healthcare, Housing, Inequality, Kids and Families, Unemployment benefits, Workers
Blog Julie Archer August 7, 2020
We Are #WVProDemocracy: Fighting for Free, Fair, and Safe Elections
In advance of Governor Justice’s stay at home order, when it appeared that our primary election would be held as the coronavirus was peaking in West Virginia, we initiated conversations with the Secretary of State’s office to ensure they had plans in place to administer the election safely and protect the health of voters and poll workers. After it was announced that the election would be delayed... More
Issues: Clean elections, Democracy, Fair Courts, Inequality, Voting, Voting Rights
We Are #WVProDemocracy: Fighting for Free, Fair, and Safe Elections
In advance of Governor Justice’s stay at home order, when it appeared that our primary election would be held as the coronavirus was peaking in West Virginia, we initiated conversations with the Secretary of State’s office to ensure they had plans in place to administer the election safely and protect the health of voters and poll workers. After it was announced that the election would be delayed... More
Issues: Clean elections, Democracy, Fair Courts, Inequality, Voting, Voting Rights
Blog WVCAEF July 22, 2020
Demand a #PeoplesBailout & Access to Absentee Voting
We need you to take two important actions. First, our Senators need to hear from you on their late pandemic response. Tell Senators Capito and Manchin that our families need robust support now. Second, in this time of crisis, we need clarity from state leaders about how we can cast our ballots safely in the upcoming election. Demand that Governor Jim Justice and Secretary of State Mac Warner protect our health and our right to vote by making this option available to all West Virginia voters again in the general election. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Healthcare, Inequality, Kids and Families, Unemployment benefits, Voting, Workers
Demand a #PeoplesBailout & Access to Absentee Voting
We need you to take two important actions. First, our Senators need to hear from you on their late pandemic response. Tell Senators Capito and Manchin that our families need robust support now. Second, in this time of crisis, we need clarity from state leaders about how we can cast our ballots safely in the upcoming election. Demand that Governor Jim Justice and Secretary of State Mac Warner protect our health and our right to vote by making this option available to all West Virginia voters again in the general election. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Healthcare, Inequality, Kids and Families, Unemployment benefits, Voting, Workers
Blog Julie Archer April 28, 2020
Our Court, Our Vote – Judges Are on the Ballot: Know Your Judicial Candidates
West Virginia voters will elect three justices to the West Virginia Supreme Court in the upcoming primary election. That's why we're excited to launch a new website, wvcourtelections.org, to help voters learn more about these elections and the judicial candidates. Our rights as voters, workers, parents, and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting
Our Court, Our Vote – Judges Are on the Ballot: Know Your Judicial Candidates
West Virginia voters will elect three justices to the West Virginia Supreme Court in the upcoming primary election. That's why we're excited to launch a new website, wvcourtelections.org, to help voters learn more about these elections and the judicial candidates. Our rights as voters, workers, parents, and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting
Blog WVCAEF April 24, 2020
COVID-19 and Voting: Help Your Neighbors Vote!
The West Virginia Primary Election is coming up fast on June 9, and it's going to take ALL OF US to help people vote in the era of COVID-19! We’re looking for volunteers to make phone calls from their homes from April 30 until June 9. We’ll provide virtual trainings, scripts, phone numbers, staff who are on call to answer questions, and all the info you need to get started. Join us for the Vote Together WV phone bank launch and training, Thursday, April 30, 5-8:30PM. Sign up here. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting, Voting Rights
COVID-19 and Voting: Help Your Neighbors Vote!
The West Virginia Primary Election is coming up fast on June 9, and it's going to take ALL OF US to help people vote in the era of COVID-19! We’re looking for volunteers to make phone calls from their homes from April 30 until June 9. We’ll provide virtual trainings, scripts, phone numbers, staff who are on call to answer questions, and all the info you need to get started. Join us for the Vote Together WV phone bank launch and training, Thursday, April 30, 5-8:30PM. Sign up here. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting, Voting Rights
Blog Julie Archer April 8, 2020
WV House Rejects New Court Sought by Powerful Special Interests
If you were one of the people who responded to calls to action from WV Citizens for Clean Elections Coalition and our partners and allies during the 2020 WV Legislative Session, thank you! You helped defeat a bad bill sought by powerful special interests. Besides the intermediate court of appeals, there were also multiple constitutional amendments proposed that would have undermined the independence of the courts. We must continue to fight these attacks and push for increased transparency in our elections and the adoption of strong recusal standards to remove political pressure and conflicts of interest from our courts. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Money In Politics, Voting Rights
WV House Rejects New Court Sought by Powerful Special Interests
If you were one of the people who responded to calls to action from WV Citizens for Clean Elections Coalition and our partners and allies during the 2020 WV Legislative Session, thank you! You helped defeat a bad bill sought by powerful special interests. Besides the intermediate court of appeals, there were also multiple constitutional amendments proposed that would have undermined the independence of the courts. We must continue to fight these attacks and push for increased transparency in our elections and the adoption of strong recusal standards to remove political pressure and conflicts of interest from our courts. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Money In Politics, Voting Rights
Blog WVCAEF April 8, 2020
Awards Dinner Postponed, but not Our People First Agenda!
One of West Virginia’s biggest strengths is our people and strong sense of community. As we all are experiencing unprecedented times, we here at WV Citizen Action are continuing to care for one another during this pandemic. Every year, we look forward to the Spring Fling, however we are taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe by postponing this year’s celebration. In the meantime, we encourage you to please give what you can now to support the important work that needs to be done all the way through our present crisis. Our goal is to emerge from this crisis stronger through community engagement and continuing to make a difference in our state and nation! More
Issues: Climate Justice, Democracy, Environment, Fair Courts, Healthcare
Awards Dinner Postponed, but not Our People First Agenda!
One of West Virginia’s biggest strengths is our people and strong sense of community. As we all are experiencing unprecedented times, we here at WV Citizen Action are continuing to care for one another during this pandemic. Every year, we look forward to the Spring Fling, however we are taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe by postponing this year’s celebration. In the meantime, we encourage you to please give what you can now to support the important work that needs to be done all the way through our present crisis. Our goal is to emerge from this crisis stronger through community engagement and continuing to make a difference in our state and nation! More
Issues: Climate Justice, Democracy, Environment, Fair Courts, Healthcare
Blog Julie Archer April 3, 2020
Absentee Voting Available To Anyone Due to Coronavirus Emergency
Wondering how the COVID-19 crisis will impact the West Virginia’s 2020 primary and judicial elections? Two weeks ago, the Secretary of State announced that every registered West Virginia voter is eligible to vote absentee during this public health emergency. This week, Governor Justice announced that he is using his emergency powers to delay the primary until June 9, past the anticipated peak of the coronavirus outbreak. More here and at GoVoteWV.com. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting, Voting Rights
Absentee Voting Available To Anyone Due to Coronavirus Emergency
Wondering how the COVID-19 crisis will impact the West Virginia’s 2020 primary and judicial elections? Two weeks ago, the Secretary of State announced that every registered West Virginia voter is eligible to vote absentee during this public health emergency. This week, Governor Justice announced that he is using his emergency powers to delay the primary until June 9, past the anticipated peak of the coronavirus outbreak. More here and at GoVoteWV.com. More
Issues: Democracy, Elections, Fair Courts, Voting, Voting Rights
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